My Services

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Comprehensive Wealth Management

Comprehensive planning starts with a deep understanding of a client’s situation and goals.

Together, we build a comprehensive financial plan that touches on all relevant topics including investment management, retirement planning, insurance, tax planning, employee benefits, estate planning, and more.

Then we begin implementing the plan and work closely year-round making adjustments as things change and ensuring you stay on track to reach your short and long-term goals.

Project-Based Financial Planning

Sometimes clients are not quite ready for holistic planning but do have questions or problems with which they want help.

I have worked with clients through natural life transitions (marriage, children, promotions) as well as unexpected events (inheritance, job loss). I’ve even helped prepare clients to handle their finances independently.

Whatever the circumstance, I can work on a project basis to get you where you need to be.

Investment Management

Clients tend to fall into three categories when it comes to investing and saving.

There are those that can and want to do it themselves. There are those that want to be involved but feel more comfortable with professional guidance. And those that want to outsource this aspect of their lives entirely.

I work with clients of all types to ensure they are properly invested based on their risk tolerance, investing timeline, and goals.